What Makes Oat Milk the Perfect Choice in a World of Beverages?

by Akash Wadhwani

What Makes Oat Milk the Perfect Choice in a World of Beverages? 

In a world where dairy alternatives abound and taste buds seek new horizons, that’s when a humble contender emerges: oat milk. With its creamy texture and versatile nature, oat milk has captured the attention of those seeking plant based alternatives.

It’s a mighty player in a plant-based milk industry that is projected to grow to 123 Billion USD by 2023.

But, what is oat milk, and what’s the process of oat milk production?

Oat milk is a dairy alternative crafted from oats and water. It involves a simple process: soaking oats in water, blending them together, and then straining to remove any solids. This produces a liquid known as oat milk, which serves as a plant-based substitute for traditional dairy milk.

Let’s take a closer look at how oat milk is produced in the factory:

Imagine the setting of a factory, where freshly sourced oats are ready to be turned into oat milk. This is what happens in the factory, though, it’s important to note that the process may differ from place to place.

1. Selection: 

The selection of high-quality oats for oat milk production involves a meticulous evaluation process. Oat grains undergo visual inspection to eliminate impurities and damage, while moisture content is measured to ensure optimal processing conditions. Purity testing is conducted to detect any foreign grains or weed seeds, ensuring the oats' purity. Size grading separates oats based on dimensions, ensuring uniformity for consistent processing. Sensory evaluation assesses taste and aroma, ensuring the selected oats contribute desirable flavors to the oat milk. Through these quality control measures, oat milk producers ensure that only the finest oats are chosen, maintaining the superior taste, texture, and overall quality of the final product.

2. Milling: 

During the milling process, oats are broken down into smaller particles to facilitate further processing in oat milk production. Prepared oats are fed into a milling machine, where grinding mechanisms like rollers or stones apply pressure and friction to crush and grind them. As the oats progress through finer grinding stages, such as additional rollers or screens, they are reduced to the desired size, resulting in a finer oatmeal consistency. Sieving may be employed to separate larger or irregularly sized pieces, ensuring a consistent particle size. This controlled milling process yields smaller oat particles, which serve as the foundation for extracting flavors and nutrients during subsequent stages of oat milk production.

3. Adding water and blending: 

The milled oats are combined with water in large tanks, forming a slurry-like mixture. This mixture is left to steep for a few hours, allowing the flavors and nutrients to extract. After steeping, the oat mixture is transferred to blending tanks, where it undergoes homogenization and further blending to achieve a smooth texture. This stage also offers an opportunity to introduce additional ingredients like sweeteners, oils, and flavorings, enhancing the taste and aroma of the oat milk.

4. Separation and Pasteurization:

After the blending process, the mixture undergoes a crucial separation step. It is carefully passed through filters designed to remove any solids and oat particles, resulting in a smooth liquid known as oat milk. To ensure its safety and quality, the oat milk then goes through pasteurization. This involves heating the milk to a specific temperature that effectively eliminates harmful bacteria while maintaining the desired flavor and texture. Pasteurization plays a vital role in extending the shelf life of oat milk and ensuring it is safe for consumption.

5. Packing:

After the oat milk production is finished, the next step is to package the product according to the demands of the market and consumers. The oat milk is poured into appropriate containers, such as cartons or bottles, selected based on packaging preferences. These containers are then labeled with relevant information, securely sealed, and prepared for distribution to stores and, ultimately, to consumers. Packaging serves a crucial role in maintaining the oat milk's freshness and quality while also conveying important product details to consumers.

Oat milk production may be more cost effective than the standard dairy milk production, which helps oat milk climb to the top in the list of the most sustainable non dairy milk. Let’s explore the reasons why it's better to produce oat milk.

1. Lower raw material cost: 

Oats, the primary ingredient in oat milk, are generally less expensive than the raw materials required for dairy milk production, such as cow's milk. Additionally, the cost of oats is relatively stable compared to the fluctuating prices of dairy milk.

2. Lower labor and equipment cost:

The production process for oat milk is typically more streamlined and requires fewer steps compared to dairy milk production. This can result in lower labor and equipment costs, contributing to overall cost savings.

3. Growing market demand: 

The growing popularity of plant-based milk alternatives, including oat milk, has led to increased production volumes. As a result, economies of scale may be achieved, driving down the cost of production.

The benefits of oat milk for consumers:

1. Allergen Free: 

Unless produced under unsterile conditions, oat milk is free of allergens such as soy, nuts and gluten. 

2. Good for digestive health: 

Oat milk is generally easier to digest than dairy milk for many individuals. It contains soluble fiber, which can help promote healthy digestion and regulate bowel movements.

3. Enhanced nutritional content: 

Oat milk frequently undergoes fortification with crucial vitamins and minerals such as calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. These additions help ensure that oat milk offers a comparable nutrient composition to that of cow's milk. Furthermore, oats inherently contain beta-glucan, a fiber type that is associated with potential heart-healthy benefits.


Oat milk generally has a greater shelf life than dairy milks.

2. Good for weight loss and weight management: 

Although oat milk generally has higher calories than skim cow’s milk and other plant-derived milks, it has high soluble fiber, which promotes stomach fullness. This feeling of fullness can help support weight management efforts, making oat milk one of the best non dairy milk for weight loss. 

Where can Oat Milk not be Used?

While oat milk is known for its versatility, it may not be the best fit when put in conjunction with other food items. For instance,

1. Citrus Fruits: Mixing oat milk with acidic citrus fruits like lemon or orange juice may cause curdling or separation due to the difference in pH levels. It's best to avoid combining oat milk directly with citrus juices.

2. Strongly Spiced Foods: Oat milk has a mild flavor that may not complement strongly spiced or heavily seasoned dishes. It could potentially dilute the flavors or clash with the spices, so it's worth considering other non-dairy alternatives or using oat milk in milder recipes.

3. Sour or Fermented Foods: Similar to citrus fruits, sour or fermented foods like sour cream, yogurt, or sauerkraut may not combine well with oat milk. The acidic nature of these foods can lead to curdling or an undesirable texture.

4. High-Heat Cooking: Oat milk may not be suitable for high-heat cooking methods such as boiling or deep frying. The heat can cause separation or alter the texture of the oat milk. It's generally better to use oat milk in recipes that require lower temperatures or as a cold beverage.

The Bottom Line:

Oat milk has gained popularity as a versatile and sustainable alternative to dairy milk. It is especially favored by those who follow vegan or vegetarian lifestyles. However, certain individuals should be cautious or refrain from consuming oat milk. For example, people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease should be aware that oats can be cross-contaminated with gluten during processing. Infants and young children should not rely on oat milk as a substitute for breast milk or formula, as it may not meet their nutritional needs. Individuals with oat allergies should avoid oat milk to prevent allergic reactions. Additionally, those on specialized diets like the ketogenic diet, which restricts carbohydrates, may need to avoid oat milk due to its carbohydrate content. Seeking guidance from healthcare professionals or registered dietitians is advisable to ensure personalized advice based on individual health conditions and dietary requirements.

Looking for a reliable oat milk brand? Check out OatMlk!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where and how can we use oat milk?

Oat milk can be used as an alternative to regular dairy milk. It can be used with cereals, oatmeals, smoothies, coffees, teas, and even for baking and making sauces. 

Fun fact: it’s even possible to create whipped oatmilk! So, enjoy your confectionaries.


Can we make oat milk at home?

Absolutely, oat milk can be prepared at home too!

Why is oat milk slimy?

Oat milk can sometimes have a slimy or gel-like texture due to the presence of a soluble fiber called beta-glucan. Beta-glucan is naturally found in oats and is responsible for the thickening and gel-like properties of oat milk. 

How can I get non slimy oat milk?

To reduce the sliminess of oat milk, try shaking it well before use to distribute the beta-glucan evenly. Experiment with different brands to find a texture you prefer. If the texture is still too slimy, dilute the oat milk with water to make it less thick. Incorporating oat milk into smoothies or recipes with other ingredients can help mask the sliminess and enhance flavors and textures. Remember, the sliminess is a natural characteristic due to beta-glucan and does not indicate spoilage or quality issues.